Lebanon Baptist Church





Diaconate Leadership


Deacon is the English spelling of the Greek word that was used as a general term to designate a servant. It covered both slaves and hired servants. It represented a servant, not his relation to his master, but in his activity. The same is translated ‘minister’ in 1 Corinthians 3:5; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Ephesians 3:7. Here it refers to a distinct class of officers in the apostolic church. The origin of the office is given in Acts 6.”
(Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest)


“The word Deacon comes from a compound Greek word that means to ‘stir up the dust.’ It represents the picture of one who is moving rapidly through the dusty lanes of the village of Palestine to discharge his duty that his feet kick up dust as he goes. There was so much for the deacons to do they could not [tarry or loiter]. They went about their ministry with much diligence that they were stirring up the dust; thus those who were set apart to this ministry were called ‘those who stir up the dust’ or deacons.” (J. Dwight Pentecost)


Deacon: (1 Timothy 3:8-13)


He must be grave (held in high respect).

Must not be double-tongued (two-faced, a talebearer).

Must not be given over to wine.

Must not be greedy.

Must hold forth the mystery of the faith (know, explain, and defend the great theological truths of the Bible).

Must maintain a pure conscience.

Must be tested and proven (his testimony with the church must be good).

Must be blameless (his testimony without the church must be good).


Under the direction and guidance of the pastoral leadership, the diaconate leadership serves in administering the ordinances of the faith and maintaining the spiritual integrity of our beliefs and the Word.






Carlos Turner,
Gladys Harris,
Henry L. Beatty, Jr.
Sonia Beatty

Charles Brown

Janice Brown
Charlie Davis
Elnora Davis
James E. Gary
Ella Ellis
James Harris
Virginia Gary
Paul Howell
Theresa Gilchrist
Thaddeus Lane, Sr.
Thomasine Hill
Joe McMiller
Harriett Smith
Bruce Williams
Rosemary Williams























Leonard C. Ruffin, Chairman

Purcell G. Bailey

Gladys Brown

Shirley Davis

Ralph E. Doswell

Gladys Hardy

Anthony Howell

Horace Thomas         



Church Clerk: Deaconess Harriett Smith


Church Secretary: Mrs. Adrian Taylor


Financial Secretary: Deaconess Virginia Gary